Old is Gold: Rise of the Pre-Owned Furniture Market

Whether you own or rent your living space, a house is not a home until you decorate it with furniture that is not only practical but also warm and welcoming. It is important to pick furniture that is designed to suit your requirements, ensures utmost comfort as well as reflects your unique personality and taste. When it comes to furniture, you can play around with different kinds of hues, designs, fabrics, and materials to complement the colour scheme and decor of your house or office.

Home Furniture

The burgeoning Indian furniture market, which is expected to be worth well over $27 billion by 2022 as per a report by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, offers a vast array of products both online and offline. However, another market that is rapidly gaining traction in India is that of pre-owned and refurbished furniture.

The Price is Right

Brand new furniture may look aesthetically appealing and impressive, but it comes at a heavy price. Even if you get a good online or offline deal, new furniture is priced at exorbitant rates, and more often than not, what we are looking for is outside our budget. Most of us have to compromise on our preferences and quality, especially when it’s a major purchase such as a sofa set, wardrobe, or bedroom set.

Pre-owned and refurbished furniture items are quite economical, meaning that there’s something for every budget. The pre-owned category includes everything, right from dinner tables and chairs, centre tables, and sofa sets, to office chairs, book shelves, and benches. Depending on your budget, you can choose from unboxed, gently used, and heavily used products. In fact, you may find that there is room in your budget to make an additional purchase! Such cost-effective pre-owned furniture is particularly ideal for start-ups, small companies, and for people who live on rent.

Certified Furniture

Quality Matters

Quality is paramount while purchasing furniture, but most of us do not have the required knowledge to understand which products are genuine. The offline market is quite unorganized, with thousands of small, local stores and a handful of branded retailers. Unless you know your stuff, you may end up buying an expensive mahogany coffee table that is actually made from different kind of wood and is not as sturdy as you thought. Buying pre-owned furniture from your peers or acquaintances is also not a good idea, as the furniture may have scratches, defects, and even bed bugs!

However, you can set your fears aside when you’re making the purchase from a well-known online store that offers high-quality products. Generally, such websites prevent the sale of flimsy and defective products by offering items that have been thoroughly vetted by a team of experts. The more quality checkpoints they have, the better the furniture!

100% Quality Checked

Choice Paralysis

The wide range of furniture products available today tends to flummox buyers and make them indecisive. The choice overload is stressful, as it means that you have to visit several offline stores and websites to scout for a good deal and compare different designs and models based on your criteria. But the shopping process online is fast, seamless, and convenient. You can enter all your shopping criteria with the help of filters such as the type of furniture and price range, to compare different designs from the comfort of your home.

Home Furniture

Quikr Certified, which offers 100% Quality Checked and Certified furniture, is one of the pioneers in the pre-owned and unboxed furniture segment. Each furniture item goes through a three-stage checking process to meet over 10 quality parameters. The furniture is inspected, verified, cleaned, disinfected, and polished to make it worth its value. What’s more, once you make the purchase, your furniture reaches within 48 hours thanks to their special Express Delivery service!

Fast Delivery


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