Aesthetics make a lot of simple ideas complicated and sometimes, it even restricts us from being able to express ourselves naturally or pre-dominantly. What does this have to do with the top 10 living-room décor ideas? Simplicity and expression of anyone’s personality through their choice of home-décor is a common phenomenon. However, it is also essential to keep it in mind that Indian homes are always short of space and hence require utility as well. So, keeping these essential requirements in mind, here are some of the home-décor ideas, we think will sure come handy.
Shelves with Character
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we say, ‘shelves’? If you are thinking of fancy decorative shelves that are often seen in the sets of big-budget serials, you could be wrong. I remember a friend who turned his broken ladder into shelves for small indoor plants and placed it in front of a terracotta oil-painted wall. While it saved space, it also set a mood for their living room. Shelves could be installed easily if you buy them yourself or want to do a DIY project in mind. But we are going to take it for granted that you’d not have time for such a luxury at the moment. So, have them installed by a carpenter or a handy man in a way that you want. Instead of a large painting to cover the wall, place 3 shelves randomly but parallel from each other and you will find that you can do more with that wall than one could have thought possible.
Image Coasters Speak Volumes
The key rule for this décor is to emote yourself and your style in a blank canvas. You can either go for various witty or cartoon style coasters or something close to your heart. It is that one photo frame or poster wall that we forget about and often don’t use. On a lighter note, at the same time you also get to show-off your creative skills in choice. The best part is that, whether you are serving cup of tea or a glass of martini, they will always be noticed. The best part is that, it comes with utility that makes even your old coffee table look smart.
Save Space with Folding Divan/Beds
Are you just not troubled, by having ‘gaddas (local mattresses)’ lying around the house when your friends or relatives are in town and staying over? Then, divan cum beds should be your thing. It not only saves space and all of that utility you already know about but it also helps you to wake up your lazy friends and relatives in the morning, ‘kyunki ghar saaf karna hai’. Excuse one’s jokes on furniture.
Antiquity with Storage Trunks
When one things of storage trunks, the first thing that comes to mind is where will that big thing fit in my living room? If you want to avoid single sofas, antique trunks with a mattress on top could give you a mini-divan. It can suavely use as a storage entity that looks aesthetically interesting too. On a lighter note, if the guest sitting on and babbling away, just ask him or her to get up, so that you can take out something, but in reality you are just distracting and stopping the person from talking.
Ruminate your day with Mirrors
Mirrors are often not considered as a décor in Indian living rooms. However, having mirrors, of course slightly decorative will not only add some class to your living room but make your living room look larger. You can recollect your memories of hotels, hair salons and even offices with reflective doors or windows and ruminate how it makes all these place look larger than they actually are. True that it is an illusionary effect, but it definitely makes yur living space look larger.
Make a Humble Statement with Fusion Décor Wall Hangings
Sometimes the best way to add colour in your living room is to add paintings. But the challenge is your budget for the paintings. The aristocrats of our society may have the time to choose one from the art gallery and the moolah to buy it. However, folk art is something that is dying but is truly a valuable asset to the Indian society. Almost every state in India have their very own style of art and are available in the form of wall hangings. They are not very expensive although most of the times very intricately done with dynamic colours and curious shapes that will give life to your living room space.
Upcycled Bottle Décor
‘Upcycled’ in definition means any material that has been discarded, but is being revamped to increase its value. As a matter of fact a lot of artists and environmentalists believe that it is a good idea to start with, than simply recycling. Upcycled glass bottles are melted or sometimes simply cut with the help fire. It is an inexpensive process and is catching up in India too. It not only is aesthetically rejuvenating at home but also has utility beyond decoration. Glass has always looked classy on the coffee table and ashtrays and whisky glasses look really good at a house party.
Finally, ideas can be worked upon and altered. The intention is to be able to express yourself without trying too hard. A lot of interior designers take professional courses and they will tell you that it is all about imagination. So, if you are thinking of doing something crazy in the form of living room décor, go crazy!!