Things to Know About Career Opportunities As A Delivery Boy/Executive

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India’s e-commerce industry has been expanding significantly over the last few years. With this large-scale growth, there’s been a rise in the demand for delivery boys.

Our nation’s estimated 354 million Internet-users (as of June 2015) make it the the third largest user base in the world.

For a while now, there’s been a misconception that delivery boys are school dropouts who choose this path out of desperation. This is far from the truth.

These executives are educated people, and take up the job thanks to the great earning opportunities and perks involved. The term ‘delivery boy’ doesn’t apply anymore; if you choose a career in this field, you will be known as a delivery executive.

The Importance Of A Delivery Executive

A delivery executive represents a company and is the face of the business to the customers. So it’s up to them to uphold the ideals and principles of the organisation.

It’s much more than being a simple transporter of parcels.

What You Need To Be An Executive

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Studies show that since a delivery person represents the brand, the demand for polite and efficient personnel has doubled over the last year. The prime qualifying factor to be a delivery executive is the ability to ride or drive safely, and the possession of a valid license. In some companies, you’ll also need to own a two-wheeler.

Command over language is also important; you need to know English and the common language spoken in the region you’ll be working in.

What Are Your Perks?

The minimum salary for delivery personnel used to be approximately INR 6000 a month, but has increased to INR 12,000. If you’re efficient, this could easily skyrocket to INR 20,000 a month, excluding allowance and benefits.

You will also get perks like health insurance, a free phone, and social security. Flexible work timings are quite common in this field, but you can expect to be shuttling around during peak hours.

Who Is A Delivery Manager?

You’ll start as a delivery executive, but you’ll soon rise to the role of a delivery manager, provided you do your job well. A delivery manager is in charge of a team of delivery executives, and ensures that all the deliveries are carried out without a hitch.

Duties Of A Delivery Manager

A delivery manager’s roles and responsibilities include going through customer feedback and implementing it to ensure that the customer is satisfied with the entire delivery process. If there is an issue with a particular delivery, you need to analyze the problem and find a solution quickly.

You will serve as the primary point of contact for customer inquiries regarding the delivery process. You’ll also be required to report the status of a shipped product to customers, and develop the necessary documentation.

You can get started as a delivery boy/executive and enjoy the salary and perks offered. If you move up the ranks and become a delivery manager, you can build a satisfying career in this profession.

The demand for delivery boy job is at an all-time high, and there’s never been a better time to capitalize on this.

Also read other post related to Delivery boy Jobs here – Advantages Of Working As A Delivery Boy , Hiring Delivery Boy For Your Startup .

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