Many Languages, One Voice – Quikr

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart”, said Nelson Mandela. At Quikr, we aim to connect with your heart and mind alike. We believe in the immense power of the wide variety of languages spoken across the length and breadth of our country, each beautiful in its own way. These languages create the thread that tie us all together, despite being so diverse. They bring us closer. And in turn, make life simple and worthwhile. Much like what we hope to do here at Quikr.

To make this happen, we bring to you – Quikr in your voice. Now you can search, post an ad, view an ad, and interact with buyers and sellers in the language that makes you feel at home.

Presently we support the following languages –

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Kannada
  • Telugu
  • Marathi
  • Malayalam
  • Gujarathi
  • Tamil

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Desktop - Lang Selection








How It Works

The germ of an idea defines how it will grow. The origin of this launch was to provide you a seamless experience. And it won’t be complete if you are not able to view all the content in the language of your choice.

So now, when you switch languages, we’ll ensure that all the content you view on Quikr will be rendered in the language you’ve chosen.

What makes this great is that you can even type in the language of your choice! Just use our vernacular language keyboard. You can use it to type faster, and share your thoughts the way you were meant to – in a crystal clear and fluid flow.

It’s a simple yet such a delightful thing to connect. To bring people in touch through the thread that binds their hearts together. We hope our efforts will help you bring about the dream change in your life. When reaching the destination and getting what you want will be as beautiful as the journey of discovering the perfect buyer or seller.

Exciting, isn’t it? Use Quikr in your own language today and tell us about your experience in the comments below.


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