How To Get a Great Deal by Selling your Car? 1

Great Deal on CarSelling one’s car can be an ordeal because of the emotions attached with it, not to mention the tactics employable. Your car was perhaps the first asset that you purchased and have many memories associated with it of going on long drives with your girlfriend or wife or taking your kids on trips. However, to make space for something new, you need to do away with something old. The market for used cars in Bangalore is quite a thriving one as most youngsters prefer to go for these cheaper options. Moreover, they allow them to explore different segments of cars which were otherwise untenable in their budget if they opted for a new car. Therefore, you may get a great customer base for the car that you are trying to sell.

Here are a few tips that would fetch you the best deals for your car.

Be Prepared

Whenever you enter the market as a seller, you need to be prepared to field buyer queries. Buyers usually question you about the maintenance records, ownership papers, whether accidental insurance was claimed for the car etc. It would be better if you scan the copies of maintenance receipts, receipts of car parts which were changed, insurance certificates, tax clearance certificates etc. and maintain them as a folder. When a buyer requests to check them, you can directly mail the zipped folder over for his/her perusal.

Prior to purchasing a used car, buyers always want to inspect and test drive it. To make the car look attractive to prospective buyers, make sure that you have gotten the car thoroughly washed and cleaned. If possible, get a wax polish done for the car as well. Broken head or tail lights, mud guards and other inexpensive accessories for the car should be changed to lend a spic and span look. Vacuum clean the interiors of the car including the boot space so that there are no food particles or dust within. Clean out the papers stored from the glove compartments. Even if your car is an under performer, these cosmetic polishes may attract buyer interest.

Attracting Genuine Buyers

To attract buyer interest, we all post advertisements on online classifieds sites. They are for free and run your ad for as long as you like. Getting your car much needed attention is possible only through these sites. Create an account and upload the details about your vehicle with 4-5 images, preferably taken from different angles. Do not forget to share your contact details (mobile number or email address).

Whenever you make a listing public, it is bound to attract both genuine buyers and casual enquirers. You will have to have the patience of filtering out the calls that are important from the ones that aren’t. After taking a few calls you will be able to realize which ones matter and come up with excuses to side track the rest. A good way to do it is by including sufficient details so that only interested buyers contact you for making a sale. Adding information such as “original paint”, “driven by self” and “maintained at official showrooms” will generate much interest.

Pricing your car right

Pricing is the most important aspect to take care of when selling used cars in Bangalore. Market researchers have estimated that those sell their car by themselves make 15 percent more on the deal than those who sell cars through dealers. However, you need to find out the true worth of your car before pricing it on the advertisement.

You can use the online price calculator offered on sites like for evaluating your car. The model of the car, numbers of kilometres travelled, fuel variance, mileage, trim of the car are some of the aspects that are used for evaluating the car’s price.

At the time of quoting the price of your car, ask for a higher price than what you have in your mind because buyers would want some discounts on the quoted prices. The pricing should not be more than 2-5% of the amount that you actually want to realize as that would deter buyers from approaching you. You should adopt the American way of pricing by quoting Rs 4.99 lakhs for a car rather than Rs 5 lakhs. It has been seen to produce a positive effect on buyers who feel relieved at the discount offered.

Meeting the buyers for test drives

It is only natural that a buyer would want to test drive a vehicle before buying it an as a seller, you have to offer that facility to him/her. It would be best if you accompany the prospective buyer for the test drive as you would be able to observe any foul play on his/her part to damage your vehicle and also discuss the details of the car.

Do not give out your home or office telephone number as it would compromise your security. On the advertisement online, enter only your mobile number or email address for correspondence. You should also specify the time period within which you will be available to entertain buyer queries. Invite buyers to scrutinise theused cars in Bangalore at place near your work place or a mid-point between your homes. That way you will be maintaining the privacy of your home address and work sphere.

A buyer may want to have the car evaluated by a mechanic for the changes that need to be made on the vehicle. It is only natural that you have to allow such a request. Make sure that you are there when the inspection is being done.

Handing over the car keys

Once you have struck a deal to sell the car, you must be cautious when going through with it. Insist upon payment by NEFT or cheque because records shall be maintained for both parties. In case of a cheque, hold on to the car keys till it has been redeemed.

A lot of buyers want some time to arrange for finance and you can make such a provision provided the person makes a down payment of Rs 10,000 or so. The time period granted for arranging finance is usually 7-10 days after which the offer is withdrawn and deposit amount forfeited.


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