Distance Education – Yay Or Nay?

You’re employed as an operational executive in a major corporate firm. Everything is going great until you find out that IJPs (Internal Job Postings) are due in a few weeks.

Realizing that you’re both knowledgeable and experienced, you’re excited about being recognized for your worth. You’ll finally get a shot at climbing up that corporate ladder. 

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Here’s the catch though – you don’t have the relevant degree.

Easily fixed, don’t you think?

Going back to college would guarantee a better career path. It makes perfect sense. You go to college, study for 2 years, and – wait… you can’t spare two whole years of your life in the middle of your career!

Besides, you have a home loan to pay off and your kids’ schooling to save for. What about saving for retirement?!

There’s a way you can have the best of both worlds though. Distance learning will allow you to keep working while obtaining your degree in your free time. It’s simpler than it sounds. But there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind before you set off to better yourself.

Why The ‘Distance’?

Distance education involves an empty classroom and an untouched blackboard. Instead, you learn from the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to be physically present at the college.

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This lets you do whatever you want in your free time while still adding to your resume and skills with that precious degree.

There are a couple of different ways to approach this –

1. Hybrid Learning

Hybrid learning lets you learn online and by attending occasional coaching classes.

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The best thing about this is that you have all the freedom to schedule the time you put in. So, if you have an important appointment today, you can put your course on hold and then come back to it when you have the time.

2. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

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You can participate in MOOCs online itself. These courses will provide you complete access to all the study materials. 

Apart from learning through textbooks and video lectures, you will also learn through interactions with your peers and professors.

This means that you can completely geek out! From disruptive innovation to quantum physics – you can discuss anything for as long as you want.

These days, the distance education market is brimming with institutions and programs. Finding a reliable course that matches your interests and needs can be tough.

Well, we’re here to help. Stay tuned for the next post where we’ll share our thoughts on how to pick a distance education institute that’s perfect for you.

Happy learning!


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