Self driving car from Google labeled as too slow!

In one of the most intriguing incidents, Google’s self driving vehicle was stopped by authorities for going too slow in a requisite zone and this has generated huge interest from automobile enthusiasts and company loyalists.


Google’s experiment with self driving cars has been making headlines for a long time now. Google has labeled this as its blueprint for the future and it should definitely be creating a storm in the automobile market once it is a tangible and marketable reality. However, Google’s self driving vehicle was in the news recently for other reasons. A police officer in California noticed the self driving car going at 24 miles per hour in a 35 miles per hour traffic zone and immediately identified it as a Google Autonomous Vehicle. He immediately flagged the car and contacted the operators to inform them that it was actually impeding traffic. However, no citation was issued in this case. This incident is being viewed with humor and apprehension alike by many followers of automotive developments.


The traffic stop was made by the California police officer but no ticket was written. The car did not have any driver. According to a statement issued by the Mountain View police, the officer pulled over a self driving car that was being tested on local roads this Thursday. The car was moving at a speed that was far lower than the requirements of the zone mentioned earlier. The absence of a citation is a little puzzling as a person is still required to sit behind the wheel of any self driving car.


There was a response from the Google project in the form of a blog where it stated that it did not receive any ticket from the police officer and rather added that humans do not get pulled over that frequently for driving too slowly!


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