How To Inspect A Used Mobile Phone

Inspecting used mobile phones is very essential before you finalize your purchase of the same. Even if you are looking for premium smart phones, it is always wise to inspect them properly beforehand. This will save you from loads of troubles in future. You will find a variety of used android cell phones and other varieties on online mobile phone classifieds portals. You can even post your own advertisement to find sellers for your desired used mobile phone model. If you find an advertisement concurrent to your needs, you can contact sellers directly and finalize your purchase immediately. This is not time consuming at all and will save you loads of money in the bargain.

Online classifieds may even help you get really attractive prices for your used mobile phone. These portals will help you find used mobile phones that are compliant with your own needs and that too at a great price. Prices are slashed almost by half for most of these used mobile phones on online classifieds. The best part is that you can find used mobile phones in your desired neighborhood, locality and city area. However, once all this is done, you need to inspect the used mobile phone thoroughly before confirming your purchase.

Take a friend or tech expert along with you if you are unsure of your own inspection abilities. Give the phone a thorough look-over if you are unsure about its quality. These tips will help you inspect your used phone impeccably before buying:

  • Always check the phone body and gently feel for cracks, dents and other damages
  • Prise open the memory card slot to see whether there are any damages
  • Check whether all ports and slots are properly functional
  • Check the charger point and headphone slot to see whether they perform the desired functions
  • Check for any damage done by moisture or excessive water entry. The screen will be damp and bloated in such cases
  • Check the functionality of the touch screen and all other sensors
  • The touch screen should be responsive
  • Call quality must be good. Have a test call to check the sound and reception quality
  • Get an idea about the battery life of the phone if you can
  • Check whether all features and specifications are present on the phone as mentioned by the seller
  • Always check the condition of the stereo speakers
  • Check for slow memory, clogged up internet files, spam ware and hidden viruses
  • Check the display quality; it should not be too grainy or faded

Once you have all these points in place, you can safely go ahead with your purchase. However, take your time while inspecting and do not be in a rush to seal the deal. If the seller does not agree to a thorough inspection, refrain from making your purchase. These inspection tips will help you purchase a quality used mobile phone without any of the usual underlying hassles that accompany such purchases.


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