Toyota Set To Achieve Its Target of Selling 1.1 Million Cehicles In China This Year

In all likeliness, Toyota shall achieve its aim of selling 1.1 million cars in China this year. The announcement was made by Hiroji Onishi at the yearly Guangzhou Auto Show. The Japanese Automobiles maker has a 50-50 joint venture partnership for production, sales and service, including with Guangzhou Automobile Group Co and FAW Group.

The GAC Toyota Motor Co Ltd was founded in September 2004. Despite being founded in 2004, their production began in May 2006, the first car being the Toyota Camry. GAC Toyota Motor produced the Yaris in the month of May in 2008, the SUV Highlander in May 2009, The Camry Hybrid around April 2010, the E’Z in June 2011 and Levin around July 2014.

The company has a 320,001 units annual production capacity plant at Nansha district. It has also established target production capacity of around 500,000 vehicles. The company’s plant loss output after the blasts in Tianjin port. Toyota lost around 50 employees in the blast.


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