The Vintage Charm Of Wooden Antiques

There are few things classier than an antique that livens up a special corner of your home. Antique furniture adds a touch of sophistication to the decor of any house. An antique piece usually appreciates in value with the passage of time. Some of the most valuable pieces are heirlooms that have been handed down in families over generations.


Some of the most common home décor antiques are wooden antiques that are truly delightful to have around the house. Here are a few antique objects which you can add to your decor to lend a dash of warmth, subtlety and exclusivity to your home.

Antique Wooden Chest

A wooden chest lends not just a hint of charm to the corners of any room but also adds practical storage space for all your documents, letters, and other such knick-knacks that need to be stashed away.

Antique Wooden Bookshelf

What better way to deck up a bare wall than by making it house a few books? Place a charming antique wooden bookshelf against the wall and make your room look classy! The perfect companion for your beloved hardcovers, an antique wooden bookshelf will have your collection organised while imparting a perfectly cozy feel to the house.

Antique Wooden Wall Clock/Cuckoo Clock

A natural alarm to keep you on your toes, this one is straight out of all those Enid Blyton stories we loved so much during childhood. An antique wooden wall clock/cuckoo clock will add tons of warmth and just the right amount of nostalgia to keep you smiling all day long.

Antique Wooden Coffee Table

Include an old-fashioned coffee table in your living room and place on it the coffee-table books you’ve stowed away. Keep conversations flowing over mugs of coffee or cups of tea, right at your very own self-created, vintage space.

Antique Wooden Partitions/Screens

Now this one is straight out of the movies and is certainly one super-gorgeous decor hack. Wooden screens/partitions not only have delicate carvings and beautiful designs but make for a neat changing room too! Countless films have depicted their lead actresses using such screens for the same. It would be fun to add a bit of movie-mania to your home, wouldn’t it?

Antique Wooden Chest Of Drawers

The perfect storage area for everything from your clothes to electronics, chest of drawers doubles up as a beautiful showpiece as well. Lending a romantic feel to your living room, it can make you feel like you belong in a Jane Austen novel. What’s bonus is that the top of the drawer can be used to put up flower vases and table lamps!

Antique Landline Telephone

Although landline telephones have become obsolete, gorgeous wooden landline instruments can make you reconsider your decision about landline connection. Place it in a corner to usher in a nostalgic, familiar feeling and have fun making phone calls via the rotary dial.

Antique wooden apothecary table

Give a medieval feel to your medicine cabinet with an antique apothecary table that is sure to make you feel like a wizard brewing medicinal potions! We’re kidding – don’t practice that. Besides storing medicines, you can also keep in its drawers, bills and stationery.

So go on, take your pick from the above listed array of antique wooden delights and add some solid, vintage charm to your special abode.

The Vintage Charm of Wooden Antiques
Article Name
The Vintage Charm of Wooden Antiques
Antique wooden furniture, if placed correctly can add a whole new dimension to your home decor.

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