Make College Life Easier On Yourself: Earn Extra Pocket Money with These Part Time Jobs


“I’m broke” may as well be the official college student catchphrase.

No matter where you are and what your allowance is, you know you’re going to spend it all in the first two weeks of the month and then scrimp and scrape for the rest.

Unfortunately, college is also when you have the most time at your disposal to travel, enjoy concerts and events, and basically have a great time.

Trying to save your money is maybe asking for too much (and if you actually manage that, we’re all very impressed and very jealous).

What you could do instead of braving your parent’s wrath is to get a part-time job.

When you have a job, you’ll have a lot more independence than if you were relying on your parents for money, and you’ll even be able to add to your CV.

There are a lot of different options when it comes to part-time jobs, and here, we’ll talk about some of the commonly listed ones.


  1. Write Right

Data entry and content writing are some of the most convenient jobs you can have, because these are part time jobs from home.

You can set your own hours, and depending on how good you are, write content for well-known companies.

It’s a great way to earn some money on the side while also improving your writing skills for college assignments (and we all need all the help we can get in this department).


  1. Teach a Lesson


Take Tuition for extra money


Teaching is simultaneously rewarding and thankless, which is why every college student should work as a teacher at least for a little while, if only to appreciate their own professors a little more.

You could work as a part-time tutor for school-children, or even teach at coaching centres that prepare their students for the CA/CS examinations or the Indian Civil Service exams.

A teaching post will also look really good to your potential employers after you leave college. Just remember, your students could be as good (or bad!) as you are in class.


  1. Find the Selling Point

Sales is one of those things that sounds good to just about everyone.

It pays the bills and helps you develop some pretty valuable people skills which will come in handy later in life, no matter what field you end up in. If you can convince a grumpy middle-aged man to buy an LIC policy, your persuasive powers could change the world.


  1. The Tough Calls


Call Centre Jobs for Part Time money making


BPO jobs are a dime a dozen in India thanks to the IT boom, and while the work isn’t the most enjoyable, the jobs are very convenient, and pay well. This is especially true if you pick up a couple of night shifts, because those pay more.

Dealing with irate customers can be a drag, but if you have the patience for it, this is a quick and easy way to make some pocket money.


  1. Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Working as a delivery technician is a job that can be pretty fun if you get into it with the right attitude. Sure, you’re going to be on your feet all day, but it is also a job that lets you explore the city.

You might even find hidden gems like cozy cafes and other places you can hang out when you’re off shift.

Of course, these are just some of the options that are available if you’re thinking about taking up a part-time job. Start looking right away, and you might just manage to afford tickets to that music fest this time!

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