Use This Handy Guide If You’re Planning On Selling Your Apartment


You’ve probably heard a million times by now that a house is a great asset. But when it comes to selling it, your house starts to seem like less of an asset and more of a headache.

It’s very tempting to flail about like a headless chicken when you think about the process of selling a house. You’ll find out that it isn’t as easy as just deciding to put it up for sale.

The Indian real estate market is pretty saturated with houses, so the buyer has the advantage right now. If you want to get a good price for your property, you need to treat it like a product for sale rather than your home, price it right, and choose the best way to sell it.

Still confused about where to even start? We’ve got your back.

When it comes to India, property doesn’t stay stagnant for too long, if you’re smart about how you sell it. This handy guide will help you plan out your apartment for sale from start to finish.


  1. Picture Perfect

Think back to when you were looking for a house. Didn’t you choose between property listings based on the pictures? You know you did.

A pretty house will always warrant a second look from potential buyers, which is why you need to make sure your apartment is in the best possible condition. To that end, here’s a couple of things you can do.

  • Scrub Till It Shines


Home Cleaning


Clear out your junk and give your house the deep-clean treatment, and make sure you get all the nooks and crannies. Buyers tend to have a sharper eye for grime than your grandmother.

  • Fix It Up

Broken doorknobs or latches, and the cupboard door that needs to be slammed shut are all things which need to be fixed because they’re really not improving your resale value.

  • A Fresh Coat

No matter how much you like the lime green wall in your living room, you’ll just have to accept that it’s an acquired taste. Paint your house in neutral tones if you can, so potential buyers are able to visualise themselves living there.

  • Curb Appeal


Apartments for Sale


The outside of your house is going to be the first thing people see, so weed your garden if you have one, and definitely paint the exteriors even if you can’t afford to repaint your entire house. Your house should look so good that you’d reconsider selling it!


  1. Get Your Papers Together

If you’re selling your house, you’re going to need to get all the important documents together. These include the letter of allotment, the sale deed from the previous owners (if any), and the encumbrance certificate as proof that the house has no legal dues.

If your house doesn’t have all the right documentation, it raises red flags not only with potential buyers, but also with the authorities, so make sure you’ve got the originals and several copies. There is no overkill when it comes to official documents.


  1. Price It Right

It may seem like a good idea to set a high asking price for your house and then bargain from there, but this is a house, not a t-shirt you’re buying from a street vendor.

You should definitely set your asking price to the actual value you’re hoping to sell at. In fact, today, with real estate prices falling somewhat, you might want to shave off about 15% of your actual price and let potential buyers bid up.

If your price is too high, buyers will stay away because they’ll assume that you aren’t open to negotiation, which is the opposite of what you meant to do.


  1. The Best Listing

Once you’ve fixed up your house, got your documents together, and priced it, it’s time to put up your listing. Make sure the pictures you’ve taken are flattering and you succinctly describe the apartment’s best attributes.

Then, put this up on well known portals for maximum visibility. There’s no point going through the effort of getting the property ready to sell if no one even knows it’s available for purchase.


  1. Showing It Off


Interior Designing for beautiful homes


So your house is all ready, and you’ve got a few interested buyers coming for a viewing.

Clean your house again, and this time, check for any funny smells. Get rid of your garbage and make sure the apartment smells nice by letting a capful of vanilla essence heat up in the microwave. This will make your house smell welcoming and home-y.

In the meantime, stage your rooms and furniture so that it’s clear what each room is used for.

And that’s all folks! 5 simple steps to get your home sale-ready. Good luck!

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