IIT Kanpur Ditches Odd-Even Plan


According to noted institute IIT-Kanpur which had been asked to study air pollution in Delhi by the Government in 2013, has ditched the odd-even plan and recommended hybrid and electric vehicles as a solution instead.


The institution has recommended that at least 2% of two wheelers in the Capital, 10% of three wheelers and 2% of new cars should run on hybrid and electric technologies. IIT-Kanpur has also recommended vacuum sweeping of all prominent roads in the Capital at least four times every month. It has also recommended complete stoppage of coal usage along with municipal solid waste burning in the NCR and crop residue in Haryana and Punjab. IIT-Kanpur has also talked of greater efficiency in handling construction waste and concrete batching.


IIT-Kanpur has also talked of retro-fitting of diesel particulate filters and usage of low sulphur fuel which contains lower than 10 PPM in addition to better maintenance and inspection procedures for cars. BS-IV emission standards ought to be implemented and vapor recovery systems integrated at petrol pumps according to it. This would tackle any evaporative losses throughout refueling and fuel unloading. The study also talks of ensuring that power plants within 300 km of the Capital are not emitting nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide. According to the report, the biggest contributors to PM10 include concrete batching (10%), vehicles (9%), road dust (56%) and industrial sources (10%).


The biggest contributors to PM 2.5 emissions include vehicles (20%), road dust (38%), industrial point sources (11%) and domestic burning of fuel (12%).


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