The Ultimate Guide To Selling Everything You Don’t Need

Let’s admit it. We’re all guilty of hoarding useless junk all over our houses. Almost all the mothers in this world are pro-hoarders. From the awkwardly drawn pictures of animals, to awkwardly taken pictures of you in your birthday suit, moms can get quite crazy about their kids’ stuff. So don’t be shocked if she’s still got a pair of your used diapers tucked in a corner somewhere.

But let’s not digress.

We’ll get straight down to why you’re really reading this article. The thing is, people often buy things that they don’t need, maybe because they make decisions that a schizophrenic would be proud of, or maybe they just like things that look shiny. Does it really matter why?

Clustered Room
Basically, you’re stuck with something that works like it’s new, because you’ve never used it and because you may not have any clue why you even bought it in the first place.

The universe now gives you two options–you could sit around and pretend that it adds to the aesthetics of your overcrowded room, or you could do the smart thing and sell it online.
And if you play your cards right, you might even be able to make a decent bit of money by selling used furniture and appliances online. Here are a few tips on how you can sell your junk online with ease.


Scout Out The Competition

Remember, you’re not the only person who’s made a stupid purchase. The world is full of people buying ridiculous things they don’t need. Make an account on a popular online trading portal like Quikr and search for the product you’re planning to sell. Check how many other listings are there for the same item and the range of prices that people are selling it for.

Garden Furniture


Make a note of how old the listed items are and what condition they are in. Based on this, choose a price that competes with the others but is bound to get you more attention. Once you’ve done this, you can move on to the next step.


Make It Look Irresistible

The one thing that can sell even the most rundown, barely usable items is good photography. If you expect to make money off things that you don’t use, you’re going to have to put some effort into it.

Click good pictures

If you don’t trust your photography skills or don’t have a good enough camera, ask one of your friends to help you out. You could also read up on product promotion and go through basic photography articles to figure out the right lighting for your pictures.


Create A Convincing Post

  • When it comes to the actual post, make sure you first list out all the features and details in concise bullet points.
  • Follow this up with a brief paragraph-style description highlighting the things that make your trash look better than the everyone else’s.
  • If possible, provide links to videos of you using it (if you ever did use it) or find a youtube link of someone else using it and embed it into your description.
  • Make sure you provide an email or a phone number on which you’re always available.


Landing The Deal

If you’ve done everything exactly as we’re asking you to, you should soon be flooded with a bunch of emails and calls.

If you hope to ever sell things online, it a bad idea to let buyer correspondence sit in your inbox. In case a buyer doesn’t stay too far away, offer to deliver the goods to them if you can. Most buyers would be willing to pay a little extra if they don’t have to spend money travelling up and down.

Leather Furniture

Remember to be as courteous as you can, and try not to be too pushy when they come over. Being over-eager makes you look desperate, which might not work in your favour.

If you’ve done everything we’ve just told you, selling the stuff you don’t need is as easy as buying the stuff you don’t need. And if you’ve bought something that you think no one’s going to buy, just try listing on Quikr, because everyone knows you can find everything there.


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