Republic Day Food Festival – Quikr 2

Republic Day 2014 at Quikr

Republic Day 2014 at Quikr

As expected, Republic Day was celebrated at Quikr with lots of zeal, enthusiasm and patriotic fervor. The message of “Unity in Diversity” was the central theme around the celebrations which we named – “Quikr Food Festival”.

Republic Day Celebration

Tricolored Sweets

We began our day by playing the National Anthem and singing together in unity as one big family. To set in the mood for Republic Day, sweets were distributed which were customized to resemble the tricolored flag.

The real fun began when we had all teams preparing to put up a lavish spread of Indian food, representing different state/religion/cuisine of India. We had tricolored idlis from South, to Hyderabadi Biryanis, to Lucknowi delicacies and the Daal pakwan which is a Sindhi specialty.  The team of judges went around tasting the huge spread of food and judging the culinary skills of employees or their mothers or wives.

Republic Day Celebration     Republic Day Celebration

Republic Day Celebration     Republic Day Celebration

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20140124_142045      Republic Day CelebrationWe were all amazed to see the enthusiasm of all participants and the Managers who helped in driving the entire event.

The real meaning behind the celebration was to make every Quikr’ite proud of the rich culture, diversity, achievements, customs and traditions, to arouse spirit of national integration and patriotism, to reinforce one’s identity as an INDIAN.

And we believe we were successful in bringing out the patriotism in each one of us.

Jai Hind!! 





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