7 Benefits of Homemade Meals; Not that We can Count them!

Ordered that simmering plate of Aloo Paratha only to get disappointed by the aloo stuffing? Hunting for that subtle aroma characteristic to the Sambar made by your mom? Well, we feel your pain. With a huge percentage of population living away from home, for study or for work, dissatisfaction towards outside food is one extremely common phenomenon. Simultaneously common is also the constant craving for simple, homemade food.


As working professionals in the Indian corporate scenario, modern work pressure does lead to negligence in health and eating habits. On most days, working people end up eating restaurant meals or in local eateries close to their offices. This has led to the onset of poor energy levels and health issues for Indians from a very young age.

Homemade meals are being recommended by health experts around the world as the only solution to poor eating habits. There are many benefits of having homemade meals, some of which are listed below:

In addition to being high in calories and sugar, restaurant food can also be low in nutritional content. Vital nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fibres, which are necessary for healthy living, may be less or absent in hotel food, due to the unhealthy oils or cooking methods used for the preparation. Home-prepared meals, on the other hand, contain healthy ingredients that you can choose while cooking.


Cheaper food
Home-cooked food is easier on your pocket, as compared to restaurant meals, whose meal prices can vary depending on the standard of the restaurant and the services they offer. Additionally, you can choose your serving size for a healthy dinner, while this is not possible in a restaurant setting.

Different food recipes
Cooking at home allows you to try different food recipes, including vegetarian and non-vegetarian ones. You can find out about healthy recipes from your favourite aunt, or check online! This option is not available when eating food outside- you need to go by what the restaurant you visit offers.

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Quick dinner options
Contrary to the popular perception, not all home-cooked meals require a lot of time and effort. Online information for easy meals that can be cooked at home are readily available, and can also be prepared in a short duration. On the other hand, depending on the number of dining customers, the time to commute, etc. all put together, restaurants generally take more time to prepare and serve your favourite dish.


Food allergies
If you or your family member has an allergy to a particular ingredient, you can take care to not include that ingredient when preparing food at home. Although at hotels/restaurants too, you can always know the ingredients used before ordering, it’s never as safe as eating at home.

Family bonding
Family members, in their busy lives, do not get much time or opportunity to sit together or spend time with each other. Family meals at home bring the entire family together at the dinner table. Cooking meals with children are also a great way of bonding with them while teaching them the benefits of home-cooked meals in a fun and creative way.


Ensures Hygiene
A majority of Indian restaurants do not pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene due to poor enforcement. This can cause food poisoning or digestion-related problems for the consumer. Home meals contain clean ingredients and are cooked in hygienic kitchen settings.


Home-cooked meals are the best way of getting the nourishment that your body needs. Along with the benefits, cooking at home can be made interesting with a variety of recipes and ingredients. However, if you have longer working hours at office or your travel time is higher than it is for most people, then you need not push yourself to cook. Apart from hotels and restaurants there are several tiffin service providers in the market who provide fresh, home-made meals at reasonable rates.

A variety of meals like North Indian, South Indian, Bengali, Vegetarian, Jain Meals etc. are all easily available at these tiifin centres. Additionally, the delivery of tiffins is mostly free and regular. So play no more with your health and nutrition and waste no time in moving on to a healthier diet.

7 Benefits of Homemade Meals; Not that We can Count them!
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7 Benefits of Homemade Meals; Not that We can Count them!
Ordered that simmering plate of Aloo Paratha only to get disappointed by the aloo stuffing? Hunting for that subtle aroma characteristic to the Sambar made by your mom? Well, we feel your pain. With a huge percentage of population living away from home, for study or for work, dissatisfaction towards outside food is one extremely common phenomenon. Simultaneously common is also the constant craving for simple, homemade food.

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