5 No-Nonsense Tips To Ace Group Discussions Like A Pro

For most of us, there are fewer things more nerve-wracking than a GD, or Group Discussion, which is compulsory for every applicant during the pre-admission phase. It’s natural to be slightly nervous since you’re asked to participate in a discussion on an impromptu topic that you may or may not be familiar with. However, there are ways to crack this, and it doesn’t have to be as frightening as it seems.


As you may already know, a group discussion is surely different from what a debate is, since you’re not here to argue, but to present your ideas. This means that your voice tone always has to be authoritative, without being arrogant or overbearing. That calls for a very delicate and balanced touch. Here are some group discussion tips that you can use to get ahead of the crowd during the pre-admission phase.

1. Relax, And Be Yourself
We know that a group discussion is a tough environment, and pretty unfamiliar one at that. But this surely, isn’t a chance to try to be someone that you aren’t comfortable being. The observers of the GD are likely to notice this, and they’ll know if you try to fake.

Relax, be yourself, and dress formally. You’ll find that you do a lot better in any of the discussion topics if you collect your thoughts and present them calmly than when you’re trying to overpower other applicants by cutting them off or by raising your voice.

2. Be Bold, Start The Discussion
Initiating a discussion is something that earns a lot of attention when done right. But it’s not easy.

But why should you initiate the GD? As frightful as it may seem, it’s one of the best ways to catch the attention of the observers. Another advantage of initiating a GD is that you get the initial uninterrupted time to put your points across, without anyone butting in. This gives you a chance to set the pace of the discussion, ensuring that you’re always in control.

Remember not to be too controlling though. Let others speak and ensure that everyone gets a fair chance. If you come off too strong, then you are likely to lose points.

3. Pay Attention To What Others Are Saying
Just because you’re done with your turn to speak doesn’t mean it’s time to relax. You’re facing a number of applicants, all of whom want the admission just as much as you do. They’ll try their best to get their point across, even more so if their point is directly against yours.


Listening to what the other applicants say is essential to come up with rebuttals.  This ensures that you’re always ready should a turn to speak presents itself.

Another thing to note is that the observers will actually be noticing whether or not you’re listening to the other speakers. If you don’t, that’s a mark off your scoreboard.

4. Use Facts And Quotes
It’s nice being able to talk and all, but that hardly matters when you don’t have solid facts to back you up.


Using quotes and facts from verifiable sources means that you’ve done your research beforehand, and you know what you’re talking about. This is important in order to ensure that your point is seen as a valid point, and not some silly rambling.

Using quotes from famous people, with direct correlation to your topic also means that you have studied more than just factual material. All of this impresses GD observers a lot.

5. Learn When To Conclude
Remember, this is not a debate. You’re not here to talk for hours on end without resolution. Even if you don’t initiate, you can conclude the debate. Listen and learn as to what the other speakers have said, remember to quote them on what each person has said, and conclude the discussion with a valid and acceptable conclusion. This means that you know what’s been said, and you’ve been listening intently without slacking off.


A group discussion is a great way to ensure that you’re ahead of everyone else. But that should also come with the reminder that you’re there to discuss with everyone, not to beat them off. By maintaining a delicate balance, you’re sure to ace any discussion that you might be put in, regardless of what the topic is.


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