5 Great Hobbies For An Inspired You In 2017

With 2017 just round the corner, you’re probably one of the millions of people around the world making a bunch of new year’s resolutions.

That’s great.

If you’re running low on inspiration, though, this is for you. We’ve got a few activities and hobbies you can indulge in, to make your 2017 a whole lot more creative, fun, and better than 2016. Not all of these are for everyone. The idea is for you to pick one (or a couple) that suits you, and pursue it with a passion.

Before you know it, you’ll have bettered yourself—yay 2017!

Hobbies for Adults

Masterchef 2017

It’s about time you stopped fantasizing about being on the popular Australian show, and started working on your real-world cooking skills. And no, cup noodles and scrambled eggs don’t exactly count as ‘culinary skills.’

Cooking is for everybody. Everybody that loves food, at least. Whether you want to get a handle on perfect Hyderabadi biryani or try your hand at pastry baking, you’ll find a cooking class that’s just right for you.

No more eating Maggi while binge-watching seasons of Masterchef. It’s time to get off the couch, and put on your apron and chef hat.

Rockstar Training

Maybe you have a thing for John Mayer. Maybe you still haven’t gotten over how much you loved “Rock On.” Or maybe you’ve loved the idea of playing a six-stringer, but just never got around to learning how to.

If you fit under any of these categories—or just want to learn the guitar—guitar classes are what you need. Simply get yourself a guitar, and sign up for one of these classes. Instead of drooling at/getting jealous of guitar maestros, you can become one yourself.

If you already know how to play the instrument, and just want to get better at it, there are classes for that as well.

Photography 101

“Seems like every amateur with money for a DSLR is a “professional photographer” these days.”

Said everybody who secretly wanted to become a photographer. Probably. Well, if you want to be a shutterbug, there’s no shortage of good photography classes today. All you have to do is sign up, get a camera, and voilà! Before you know it, you’ll be a semi-pro photographer.

Photography classes and courses cover a vast range of topics. You can learn basic or advanced photography, or address specific topics like DSLR photography.

Beyond Angrezi

We’ve all heard of and/or read the reports that say India has the world’s second biggest English-speaking population, second only to the US.

This 2017, it’s time to build on this, and build your skill set by signing up for foreign language classes. You can do this purely for pleasure as well; no hobby stimulates the mind and elevates the mood quite like learning a new language can.

Maybe you want to pick up French or Spanish to woo the ladies, or learn German so you can buff up that résumé. Or maybe you want to pick up some culture, and decide to go with Italian. The choice is yours, as are the benefits.

At the very least, you’ll be able to order foreign food at exotic restaurants!

Party Moves

“We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

We’re not sure how fancy Nietzsche’s footwork was, but his advice is great. Whether you want to go all-out Bollywood or bust some fancy hip hop moves, there are a number of dance classes that can help you out. These teach everyone from complete novices to people who can move, but want to take it to the next level.

Maybe 2017 is your year to blow Channing Tatum out of the water!

Whether these hobbies make you an “improved person” or not, you’re sure to have a good time pursuing them. And maybe the journey itself will prove better than any destination!


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