Summer – the season of air conditioners – is here! It’s time to quickly run through the working of the mean, cool machines at home and ensure they are ready to be turned on the moment temperature hops on a hot air balloon and soars high up in the air! Follow these simple steps to maintain ACs at home and enjoy the coolness of winter all year through.
Round the year TLC
First things first – the mean machines need your tender loving care all year through so that they are ready to comfort you when you need it the most. Opt for an annual maintenance plan for your air-conditioner where a trained mechanic will inspect and service your machine at your doorstep at regular intervals. You’ll not only save money on energy, but you’ll also extend its lifespan and save money on expensive early spare part replacements. Besides, an annual maintenance plan saves you the hassle of remembering to call a mechanic to service the machine at regular intervals – instead, they call and remind you when your machine is due for a service. Convenient, ain’t it?
Shut off the power when not in use
Unplug the air-conditioner when not in use. It’s essential to completely turn off power to the unit to give the compressor much needed rest during its dull season and avoid unnecessary power supply to it. If you don’t want to work with a bulky air-conditioner plug, then consider taping its switch with black or coloured tape to avoid turning it on by mistake.
Clean the filter
Clogged filters obstruct the normal functioning of an air-conditioner and reduce its cooling capacity. Especially if you have pets at home, regular cleaning of the filters becomes even more important. Remove the filter and soak it in a diluted liquid detergent. Follow it up by brushing the mesh with a soft toothbrush and drying it in the sun before fixing it back on the machine. Repeat this treatment every month when the air-conditioner usage is low during winter and bi-weekly in summers to avoid dust allergies and a malfunctioning machine.
Clean coil fins
The ridges over the condensers and evaporator coils are easily visible and must be cleaned regularly to avoid accumulation of dust and other debris. Cleaning them regularly protects the evaporator and condenser and extends their longevity.
Maintain condenser and evaporator coils
Deposits of debris and dust on the coils reduce their heat absorbing capacity and effect the cooling of the room. Because it’s difficult to clean the coils at home, insist your annual maintenance mechanic to pay special attention to the coils and clean them up thoroughly.
Unclog rear drain
It’s important to ensure that the rear drain is unclogged at all times because if it’s blocked, then water that gets collected inside the air-conditioner finds no space to leave and drips inside the room from any available opening. Besides, remember that a clogged air-conditioner unit means high humidity level too inside the room!
Cover up compressor unit when not in use
It’s a good idea to cover up the compressor unit that stands outside the room to avoid dust and debris entering it. However, make sure you wash the covering cloth once a month and not keep using a dust soaked one!
Follow the steps routinely and your air-conditioner will be your coolest companion in sultry, Indian summers! Alternatively, if your Air Conditioner is giving you too many problems then hire a professional AC repair expert and get the job done in one smooth go.