It’ 3 in the morning, and you stumble into your bathroom only to see a large black cockroach scuttle across the bathroom tiles, taking away with it, your sleep and peace of mind. You hear it crawling down the drain, suddenly aware that where there is one, there are always more.
As much as we appreciate the biodiversity hotspots showcased on the Nat Geo, we prefer our apartments to be sterile zones made for only humans and pets. Ant armies attacking any food that you keep in the house and the neighbour’s horror stories of sleeping on a bedbug nest should now give you enough inspiration to identify pest problems and take action before they get out of hand.
Dry & Clean Premises
Mosquitoes are truly deadly. Many a sleepless and uncomfortable nights have been caused by these constantly buzzing nightmares. Ensure that you do not leave stagnant water lying around the premises while also setting up meshes on your window if the problem in your area is severe. Safe mosquito repellents are an additional measure to keep these insects away.
More Home Solutions
Bedbugs are another tough pest to get rid of. Heat the affected garments or linen in the dryer or boil and use chemicals like borax to kill bedbugs. One quick solution is sprinkling borax on affected areas and then vacuuming it. Make sure you hit areas where there are eggs. Spiders can be dispelled with some vinegar spray or diluted liquid soap. Remember, they set up home where there are other insects, so a clean area will not be a spider’s home.
Clean Kitchen – A Must
Cockroaches and ants start where the food is. The kitchen is the most vulnerable area, and you need to make sure it is cleaned regularly, including the areas where your sink piping connects with the drains and the cylinder compartments. Clean shelves where you keep your non-perishables regularly and keep fresh food in the fridge. Avoid leaving cooked food lying around and make sure the stove and counters are spotlessly clean. Mopping the kitchen floor regularly with disinfectant helps discourage unwanted critters. Throw in some drain cleaning chemical once in a while in your sink; it will clear the pipes and also prevent cockroaches from crawling up. Vinegar and dish soap are good substances to repel ants with.
Garbage – A Pest Feast
Garbage is one of the biggest draws for uninvited pests, including rodents. If possible, invest in a sturdy dustbin and keep it in a covered area outside the home. Cleaning the dustbin regularly is a must-do too! Smaller bags and dustbins are a better idea for households as they get filled faster making cleaning a daily affair.
With just some easily available chemicals, good quality dustbins, garbage bags, cleaners and clean habits you can ensure that pest control is an inexpensive and effective DIY affair. However, if you find that your house needs some special attention, you could even hire a professional pest control service which targets the issue you are facing. Quikr makes it easy for you to locate and engage a pest control specialist in your area. Log on to the website or download the app and say goodbye to your pest problem.