Lose Weight – Easy And Fast!

The mission to lose weight and get a fit and healthy body is not a destination but a journey. An ongoing process which requires dedicated and continuous effort. If you follow a strict exercise regime but indulge in junk food and a high-calorie diet in office, or make a New Year resolution to go to the gym only to postpone it to next year, chances are you might not see the results you hope to. Cutting down on your diet or adopting the all-or-nothing approach in your daily meals rarely works to help you lose weight. It is imperative to find the right balance of diet and exercise which can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Listed below are 10 effective tips that can help you lose weight the right way:

Protein-rich diet
Eating plenty of proteins each day can improve your body’s metabolism, which boosts your calorie burn by 80-100 calories each day. Meat, eggs, and seafood are rich sources of proteins. For vegetarians, rich protein food includes quinoa, soy, and buckwheat. Protein-rich diets can fill your stomach, automatically reducing your daily calorie intake by over 400 calories

protein-rich-dietHave a healthy breakfast
Skipping one whole meal seems to be a very legit way of cutting down on calories. However, Skipping breakfast is a really bad idea since the body stores fat much faster if its been empty for a long time. Having a wholesome breakfast can reduce your snack intake through the day and help your body not accumulate fats.

healthy-breakfastSwitch to low-carb foods
Switch to a low-carb diet comprising of vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and cucumber. Do not hesitate to load your plate with these low-carb foods. You should also consume high-carb foods such as sweet potatoes, rice, and oats, but make those once-a-week treats instead of including them in your daily diet.



Cooking oils
Switch to healthier cooking oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, canola oil, or rice bran oil. According to leading nutritionists, your total oil consumption should not exceed two teaspoons each day, so keep an eye on the quantity of cooking oil that you use for your meals.


Stock your refrigerator and kitchen cabinet with healthier snacks
It’s time to purge your fridge and cabinet of foods such as high-fat ice cream, chocolates, chips, and pastries. Not having easy access to comfort foods can help you succeed in your weight loss program.


Weight loss-friendly foods
There are tone of foods that actually aid the weight loss process. Whole eggs, leafy vegetables, salmon, chicken breast, boiled potatoes, beans, and legumes are some diet-friendly foods which if included regularly, may have a substantial positive effect on your weight.

Drinking water
Research has proven that drinking water 30 minutes before meals can increase weight loss by 44% over three months. Not just that, drinking enough water throughout the day helps you avoid those sudden hunger pangs which demand immediate gratification.


Lifestyle changes
Simple lifestyle changes can help you in your weight loss program. Cigarette or alcohol intake, or eating out frequently should be avoided. Simple physical activities such as playing with your child or taking your dog for a walk can be practical ways of getting healthy. A few mins of walk every day after dinner is a good way to boosten metabolism and aid weight loss.

Eat your food slowly and use smaller plates
Aid weight-loss by chewing your food properly and taking the time to finish your meal. Using smaller-sized plates can also help in food control by helping you feel full.

Consume caffeine-rich beverages
There is absolutely no need to give up on your favorite cuppa. Caffeine can improve your body metabolism by 3-10%. Caffeine-rich beverages such as coffee and tea should be consumed, the tricky part is to leave out the harmful, refined sugar.


Sticking to the above few tips consistently is sure to help you achieve your weight target easy and quick. While you set a target for yourself do keep in mind that each individual has a different body type, and consistent weight-loss is more important than quick results. Regular exercise and a healthy diet ensure that you are not only thinner but fitter and healthier too.

Lose Weight - Easy And Fast!
Article Name
Lose Weight - Easy And Fast!
The mission to lose weight and get a fit and healthy body is not a destination but a journey. An ongoing process which requires dedicated and continuous effort. If you follow a strict exercise regime but indulge in junk food and a high-calorie diet in office, or make a New Year resolution to go to the gym only to postpone it to next year, chances are you might not see the results you hope to.

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