Last-Minute Preparation Tips for GATE 2017

GATE is one of the most competitive exams in India and a good score could mean admission in prestigious institutes like the IITs. As thousands of aspirants attempt this exam, the difference between failure and success could hinge on the smallest of factors. Here are some GATE exam tips to adopt and some mistakes to avoid.




Master the Concepts

GATE questions are designed to test your knowledge of the concepts you study and, hence, it is important that you sharpen your problem-solving skills. It is not just about knowing definitions but GATE is about testing how you apply your knowledge to different scenarios.

Topics with GATE History

One of the most effective GATE tips is mining for the most relevant topics by going through the previous years’ papers and making a list of them. Along with the number of questions on a topic, the number of marks that the topic has accounted for over the years is also a great indicator to its weight in the larger scheme of the exam. If you can organize this data from years of GATE papers, you will have a good idea on which topics to spend more time on and, at the same time, which to lower on the priority list. If you need help doing this and mastering the concepts, you shall enroll yourself with one of the online GATE coaching classes available.

Know the Syllabus

Many a time, students fail because they are unfamiliar with the syllabus and the exam pattern, including choices between sections for a few disciplines. This leads to a tardy preparation and a lot of time is wasted learning the wrong things. Make sure you are thorough with your syllabus and know the importance of the different exam segments for your particular subject.

Mock Tests – Indispensable

Any list of GATE cracking tips will include the importance of mock tests. An irreplaceable method of studying, comprehensive knowledge of previous papers and mock tests has been known to help students get a chunk of their GATE marks.

Avoid Common Exam Mistakes

One of the tips for GATE exam is to never try the tough questions first. They can mentally exhaust you or cause a panic if you feel like you have spent too much time on them.

Another common mistake made by GATE students is misreading questions, so it is always important to go through the question properly so you don’t end up losing precious marks.

Make Revision Notes

Revision is compulsory, and you can make this part of your studies more effective with your own written notes in a style that you are familiar with to enable quicker retention.

The Hard Part is Over

Make sure that your documentation is in order and be sure of the timings and examination center location. The last thing you need is a lost admission card or a wrong center. Sleep well in the last couple of days leading up to the exam so you are in prime mental form as you take the exam.

One of the most important tips for GATE preparation is maintaining a good physical condition. A physically fit candidate is a confident candidate. Be fresh on examination day and do a light revision. You have worked hard over the last few months so you should not doubt yourself on that last morning. GATE is an intensive exam which needs a calm head to solve within the time period, and, as you step into the exam hall, remind yourself that the hard part of accumulating the knowledge is over and just the execution remains.


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