All You Need To Know About JEE Main

If terms like NITs, IIITs and CFITs either decorate your dreams or haunt your nightmares, you’re probably familiar with the JEE main.

If you aren’t here’s what it is, in a nutshell: this is an exam you’ll need to crack to gain entrance into NITs (National Institutes of Technology), IIITs (Indian Institutes of Information Technology), and CFTIs (Centrally Funded Technical Institutions) all over the Indian subcontinent.


IIT JEE Exam Tips


Looking for some information regarding this exam? Wondering, maybe, when it will be held and what you’ll need to study? Are you an NRI, and looking for an exam center abroad? If you nodded at any of these questions, you’ve come to the right place.

Here, we’ll help you understand everything you need to know about the JEE Main.

What Is It Good For?

We’ve already covered what the JEE Main is, so we head on to answer this all-important question: what exactly getting through this exam can get you, in terms of admission.

You’ve already read here that a good score on this exam can gain you admission into top institutions like the NITs, IIITs, and CFTIs. But that’s not all, no sir—hundreds of top colleges throughout the country all accept a good JEE Main percentile as a valid score for admission.

What course, you ask?

You can get into the B.E. or B. Arch. programs at one of these institutions. Lakhs of school-leaving 12th standard students take up this exam, which brings us to the next question.

When Is It Held, And When Do I Start Prep?

The JEE Main will be held at various centers throughout the country (and some locations abroad, like Singapore and the UAE) this coming April.

Specifically, the pen-and-paper offline test will take place on 2nd April 2017, while the online version will be held on the 8th and 9th of the same month.

To answer the second question, it’s a matter of opinion. While some believe in advance preparation strategies that start right after the 10th standard board exams, others start towards the end of the year before the exam (say July-August 2016 for this April 2017 test).

When you do start is up to you, but here’s the key—it’s never too early, but it’s often too late.

What Do I Study?

The JEE Main tests you on the holy trinity of all engineering entrance exams—math, physics, and chemistry. Each subject is quite comprehensive, and covers a range of topics designed to gauge your understanding of said subject.

Am I Eligible?

Another important question, and here’s why: not everyone in the country can up and write this exam. There are certain conditions set up by the Central Board of Secondary Education (that’s the CBSE to you) that filter candidates who want to take the JEE Main.

  • Your age is a crucial factor. Only candidates born on or after the 1st of October 1992 can take up the JEE MAIN. As with most such exams, there are reservations: if you fall under the SC< ST, or PwD categories, you get a 5-year relaxation.
  • You can only sit this exam thrice. No fourth-time-lucky attempts here!
  • Only candidates who wrote their 12th board exams in 2015, 2016 and 2017 can take up the JEE Main.

How Do I Apply?

First, you fill in the online-only JEE Main application form. Note that you’ll need to own a valid Aadhar card to do so. After this, you get an application number. Keep this safe.

Next, you’ll need to upload a picture of yourself, and scans of your signature and thumb prints. Finally, you’ll pay your fee through a debit/credit card, or using a PayTM account.

If you’re looking to attempt the JEE Main in April 2017, this information should set you on the right path. Work hard, start as early as possible, and work smart to stay ahead in the Engineering Entrance game!

Explore More:  IIT JEE Coaching in Delhi


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