Transforming India, the “Smart” Way, starting with schools

The demonetization drive in India, a step taken to kerb corruption and navigate our country in the right direction, is one of many stepping stones designed to modernise India. This system has encouraged people to make cashless transactions and has resulted in an increase in the usage of e-wallets and net banking. It is essential, that we introduce this system in schools as well to help students transition themselves into a cashless era and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has taken the first step to promote this idea.




The CBSE is now promoting smart cards for its students who will now be able to make cashless transactions in canteens or tuck shops. Various institutions have been advised by the CBSE to incorporate activities which promote the idea of cashless transactions in their curriculum, as this would help students to promote the concept at home as well.


The Board has taken an additional step by allowing the usage of e-wallets, such as Paytm and SBI Buddy, as modes of payment for examinations. The primitive challan system of payment will also be done away with by January, and all payments will have to be done using credit/debit cards or through net banking.


Leading by Example


Schools such as Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan have decided to take up the cause and train their students and teachers on various modes of cashless payments. They have also decided to promote this idea in communities by using services such as Scouts and Guides. The Board has taken an additional step by making it mandatory for payments of teachers using cashless modes. The is applicable to all schools affiliated to the CBSE.


The Board has also advised schools to conduct sessions for parents and promote the idea of demonetization, and incorporate the usage of cashless payments using e-wallets and net banking systems.


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