Retired Teachers to Fill Up Vacancies When Required: Haryana

Ram Bilas Sharma, Haryana Education Minister, said that to ensure availability of teachers throughout the school year, a new policy has been introduced. This policy states that, each year, a panel of retired teachers will be introduced in every category; 25 % of the authorized posts will be comprised by these teachers.

The govt introduced this policy of re-engaging the retired govt teachers so that the “unavoidable” vacancies due to dearth of teaching staff can be taken care of, said Sharma.

Haryana Edu Minister’s Views and Points

Ram Bilas Sharma stated that, for many reasons, most schools have a lack of teachers although efforts are being made tirelessly through consistent recruitment to fill up the teaching staff for the various categories.

The minister said that the aforementioned panel of retired teachers will be prepared by the District Education Officers and will consist of Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) for the many subjects. The same shall be done by District Elementary Education Officers for Primary Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers.

A fixed remuneration will be given to these retired teachers according to the state govt’s policy on re-employment. For re-employment of pensioners will be given the latest fixation of pay given that they retired after 55 years of age.

The panel will be prepared using a marks system where for experience and results, each, 50 marks will be allotted. For every completed year, two marks of service will be given, and this can reach a maximum of 50 marks. This condition for experience, however, will not apply to Primary Teachers. This result will be calculated by the results’ percentage and the marks will be allotted up to two decimals. This experience will be considered only for the years in which the former teacher had taught the particular subject.

If these percentages end up in a tie, the younger of the two or more teachers will be preferred as long as his/her integrity was never before doubted.


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