The Clean Linen Guide – How To Buy A Used Washing Machine

Whether you are single or have a family, a washing machine is truly magical when it comes to tackling the daunting task of laundry. Perhaps you’re looking to add this useful home appliance without shelling out the extra bucks. Or maybe you’ve moved temporarily to a new place and simply want a functional unit. Moreover, by opting for a used washing machine and going green, you’ll be doing the environment a favor as well. 

buy used washing machine

Before you head out and look for one, evaluate your requirements with regard to the size of the load, the type of cycles you may need to use, and the size of the washing machine. Attention to such aspects could put you in good stead when it comes to buying a second-hand washing machine online.

Though these need to be checked thoroughly beforehand, a well-maintained machine can get you value for money. Read on and learn about the things that you need to consider when you buy a second-hand washing machine.  


second-hand automatic washing machine

Check for any signs of neglect – dirt, rust, mold and scaling. While you may be able to get compatible hoses and pipes to fix leakages, any sort of mending and replacement add to the cost. Furthermore, spare parts for discontinued models are hard to find.


1. Spin the drum manually to ensure fluidity in movements.
2. Buttons, indicators, and knobs should be functioning smoothly.
3. Do a background check on the washing machine model for the amount of water consumption. 

Though very old washing machines may still be functional, their energy efficiency may be a cause of concern. Look for star ratings on the appliance to avoid a rise in your electricity bills. 

Brand & Reputation

fully loaded washing machine

Look for reviews of the washing machine model that you’re interested in. Though it’s not an absolute measure of quality, it can still give you a generic idea of the efficiency of the machine. Reading customer reviews is a good way of evaluating the model’s performance. It might just save you from getting stuck with a raw deal. 

Guarantee & Warranty

There’s a good chance that a used washing machine may have outlived its warranty period. Find a washing machine that’s being re-sold shortly after purchase. And don’t forget to check for the appropriate warranty documentation – it’ll help make maintenance easier. 

warranty card for washing machine

Many used washing machines on sale may look good at the first glance. If you are unsure of the technical aspects, taking along someone who’s better informed or a professional who can give an unbiased opinion, may be worth the effort. This’ll help you avoid any major expenditure for repair work.

While there’s always a bit of risk involved, the used household appliances market is a great option while equipping your home. This makes understanding the pros and cons of a potential purchase crucial. Got a clean chit on these? Wonderful. It’s time to get your laundry done!


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