Ease Back Into School – A Manual For Parents

Summer just seems to zoom by as far as school vacations go. And before you know it, it’s time to get back to the daily routine after weeks of fun and relaxation. So, getting back to a schedule tops the list of things to do when going back to school after summer break.

prep for school after vacation


Buying new school gear and completing school formalities is the easy part. Here are some ways in which you can help your child transition back into the school year effortlessly.

Get Back on Track
As the school opening date approaches, have your child ease back into the school day routine. Staying up late and waking up late can no longer continue, so move bedtime a few minutes early every night till your child is in bed at a suitable time. A good night’s rest will ensure that the child wakes up refreshed at the right time in the morning. Similarly, get your child in the habit of getting clothes ready for the next day before going to bed each night.

Reconnect With Friends
If any of your child’s school-friends live in your area, arrange for play dates so they can refresh their acquaintance again. This can help the child develop a positive frame of mind about going back to school after summer holidays.

It will also help the child make the transition from free play to the structured requirements of school days.

Go Over the Basics
Get your child to sit down with you each day and go over the basics of reading and writing appropriate to their grade. Spend 30 minutes to an hour each day going over things that are likely to be covered in the next school year just as you would do when revising each day’s lessons. This is an essential element in the how-to-prepare-to-go-back-to-school manual.

Have School Supplies Handy
See to it that your child has all the school supplies he or she will need every day. This includes books, pencils, erasers, lunch boxes, water bottles, bags, lunch bags, and tissue or napkins. Dispose of old stuff that can no longer be used. 

Although everything does not have to be new, having a few new items will get your child excited about a new year in school.

New School and First-Timers
For a child who is transferring to a new school or one who is starting school for the first time, it can be an emotionally stressful time. Prepare them to face the changes confidently by giving them an idea of what to expect. Meeting with teachers beforehand and taking the child to the school to familiarize them with the atmosphere are a couple of things that you can do before your child goes back to school after summer vacation. Nurture independence in your child by talking to him or her about his/her responsibilities such as taking care of belongings and approaching teachers for assistance in unfamiliar matters.

School is a fun place to be and back-to-school tips are meant to help you reinforce this idea in your children. They are used to school already and it’s only been two months, after all!


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