Tata donates Sumo ambulances to Bangladesh

In a path breaking move and wonderful gesture, Tata Motors, India’s biggest draw in markets for new and used cars, has donated Sumo ambulances to the Bangladesh Government.

India’s largest carmaker in terms of value, Tata Motors, has now teamed up with Nitol Motors, its distributor to donate 10 Sumo ambulances to the Bangladesh Government. This was announced by the company in a press statement. Sumo Gold and Sumo SE ambulances will be donated by the company to the Government. According to the Head International Business, Passenger Vehicles at Tata Motors, Johnny Oommen, the company believes in creating greater wealth for the progress of any nation and community wellbeing. The company has a significant presence in Bangladesh and it is dedicated towards chipping in with small contributions for bolstering health services countrywide.

The CEO of Nitol Motors, Matlub Ahmed, talked of how contemporary hospitals and suitable equipment were not widely available in Bangladesh. Ambulances are critical for hospitals with regard to safe transportation for patients. He expressed happiness at the acceptance of 10 ambulances by the honorable Prime Minister courtesy Tata Motors-Nitol Motors. The honorable Health Minister, Director General and Secretary of Health Services were all present at the ceremony.

The Sumo SE ambulance will offer features like a medical cabinet, stretcher, stand for oxygen cylinder, fog lamps, basin, announcement system, dual A/C, bar light at the top, front and rear bumper and more. This will run on a diesel engine with capacity of 1948 cc. The Sumo Gold ambulance will have features like central locking, HVAC, stretcher, power steering, cabinet and oxygen cylinder provisions. This will have a diesel engine with capacity of 2956 cc.


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