Vehicle Type Approval Enquiry Launched by UK post Volkswagen Scandal

Britain has decided to enquire into the system used for approving vehicles, including emission levels, in the light of Volkswagen’s diesel engine scandals. The transport committee shall seek evidence over the effectiveness of the current system that shall involve testing aspects such as emissions, noise and performance by national agencies to check if the detailed EU standards are met or not.


Currently, the VCA or Vehicle Certification Authority is responsible in the country for approving automobiles. In recent times, a major complaint has been lodged stating the difference among emission levels detected at the time of laboratory resting and actual driving.


According to the chairwoman of the committee and lawmaker with the opposing Labour Party, Louise Ellman, the difference between emission levels detected in the test conditions and the ones detected during actual driving is significant. The testing process is quite inadequate.


Critics (that includes some members of European parliament) has also focused on the present system of different national bodies controlling power of approving vehicles. They call for a unified European entity.


Volkswagen has been slowly progressing in the process of finding out the professionals that knew of the tampering with the diesel emission tests after the rigging came to light in the United States. Later on, the company also admitted to understating fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in Europe.


Europe’s largest automobiles manufacturer has said that 1.2 million vehicles approximately in the Britain have been affected by the debacle.


Ellman has said that plans of compromise agreed upon by European countries of allowing vehicles to continue emitting more than the twice agreed levels of pollution have been criticized for being too lenient to automobiles manufacturers.


As per Louise Ellman, it is important to analyse the allegations and making sure that the EU and government take action for restoring public confidence.


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