Green tax deters toxic trucks from entering the Capital

There has been a steep reduction in the number of toxic trucks entering Delhi post the green tax order issued by the Supreme Court.


Authorities in Delhi have failed to collectively collect pollution tax from all trucks entering the Capital but the sheer prospect of paying the same has worked wonders. Authorities have reported a sharp drop in the number of polluting trucks entering the Capital to avoid tax payments. However, the MCD enlisted contractor has also stated how this has lowered toll tax collections by a whopping 30% as several trucks have been taking alternative roadways to access Haryana and Uttar Pradesh without touching Delhi borders.


With a reduction in toll tax collection, the toll contractor consortium has approached the Supreme Court to revoke the order over inability to make collections due to financial losses. According to partners in the consortium, collections were INR 4.32 crore in the first week of the green tax collection and the operator could deposit only INR 7.30 crore as opposed to INR 11 crore as weekly toll tax. The South Delhi Municipal Corporation which is responsible for toll tax collection among all three corporations is also worried about the sudden reduction in collections.


According to Corporation sources, this reduction would hamper productivity of the civic agency as the Corporation has received around INR 4 crore lower than what they used to get earlier as daily toll tax. The contractor has refused to collect environmental compensation charges from the 1st to the 6th of November and the Court even threatened contempt of court if this continued. According to the Chief Justice himself, Delhi has the highest pollution figures and this deters people from stepping out of their homes. Contempt proceedings will be initiated against contractors who disobey the order according to him. This is a positive step to save the Capital and its residents according to the Honorable Chief Justice. Apart from financial and other impediments, possible violence from enraged truckers was also cited as a reason by the contractor.


However, the Court order has definitely set the ball rolling for a cleaner Delhi in the near future according to experts and analysts.


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