Bikes are the most preferred mode of transport in Hyderabad

A survey has revealed that around 20 percent employees make use of bikes for reaching their workplace compared to only 4 percent who make use of cars. The data on different mediums of transport and commutes to workplace within 20 kilometres from homes has been revealed in Census 2011.


The sale of cars may have gone up in cities over the last few years, but two wheelers remain the most preferred transportation mode by commuters to workplaces. The data excludes domestic helps and agricultural workers. In Hyderabad’s Ranga Reddy District, around 5.5 lakh commuters of 28 lakh make use of motorcycles, scooters and mopeds while 1.23 lakh people drive cars, vans or jeeps to go to work.


Experts have noted that these figures reflect the poor public transportation in the city of Hyderabad. The increasing numbers of buses may not be encouraging enough for people to make use of public transport. Authorities instead should aim to provide connectivity to the last mile where commuters have improved access to public transportation. Delhi has been cited as an example where commuters are allowed to park their private vehicles which encourage them to make use of public transport.


The data indicates that only 18 percent commuters make use of trains and buses to reach work, which indicates that 5.14 lakh commuters travel to work by trains and buses. Quite surprisingly, 16 percent or 4.57 workers walk to their office. Lack of pedestrian facilities has also made it difficult for people to walk to work and has forced them to ride bikes. These are numerous routes that are not directly connected to public transport. Aside from that, pedestrians often face issues regarding crossing lanes and getting to the bus stop. On the other hand, motorcycles have a low per kilometre cost which is why they are preferred more.


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