Volkswagen promises to tackle diesel cheat whistleblowers by end November

Volkswagen is promising staff members that they will get to retain their positions and will be excluded from claims of damages if they actually shed more light on the emissions scandal.


Volkswagen has set a deadline for end November to commence an in-house whistleblower programme that is meant to encourage its staff members to reveal information to hired investigators pertaining to diesel emission test rigging. This has been recently reported by leading German newspapers and periodicals. Volkswagen has now put the ball into the court of its employees who actually possess crucial knowledge of the scandal but is looking at helping employees do away with fear of losing their jobs upon revelation of the same.


Advisory agency Deloitte and the noted US law firm Jones Day have been hired by Volkswagen to investigate the particular circumstances under which the company actually installed cheating software into its diesel cars that transformed engine settings for lowering emissions when the vehicles were tested. According to company and media sources, the results of the amnesty programme were quite encouraging at an initial level.


The company is going all out to ensure job security for staff and is also promising them total exemption from any claims of damages if they shed more light on the entire scandal. However, management personnel and board members will not be liable to attain such protection or amnesty from the company according to sources. While there was no direct comment or report from Volkswagen in this regard, this programme is meant to help the company uncover its own systemic failures and work out a possible means towards plugging any possible leaks in the near future.


Volkswagen’s move is being acknowledged as rational and decisive by a section of automobile experts and industry sources.


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