Best Way to Sell Your Used Car 2

Most people exchanged their old car for a new car even 5 to 7 years ago. It was the best way to get rid of the old car to make way for the new one. However, a lot of people are opting to sell their old car before buying a new one. Selling your used cars in Hyderabad is one of the easiest things in today’s times.  Those buyers who could not trade in their cars for new ones opted to give away their old cars to friends and relatives at throwaway prices. However, the avenues through which you can sell your old car have gone up in today’s times.

Sell your Used Car Quikr

If you have a used car in Hyderabad, you can opt to sell it by yourself or through a dealership, in case you do not want to trade it in for a new car. Dealers usually undervalue your car and pay you less. Therefore, it would be best if you opt to sell your car by yourself. Individuals looking to sell their old car can try out the following to announce their sale.

Newspaper Ads- Newspapers usually publish a column dedicated to old cars and dealerships. You can print your ad in this column. However, depending on how frequently the column is published, your ad may be published early enough or it may take up a week to publish the advertisement. Moreover, the more details you add to your advertisement, more would be the amount that you have to pay because you have to buy space in the advertisement in terms of characters in or the space being covered by the ad. Also, newspapers publish tens of ads together in the column and hence locating your one would be quite difficult for a buyer.

Peer circle- A lot of people still rely on the old fashioned method of informing their friends and family when they want to sell their car. However, when you sell your car within a circle of trust, you don’t get the best deal out of it as you always have to negotiate with the price. It would be equivalent to trading your car in for a new one at a dealership.

Online ads- Car websites have made life easier for both car buyers and sellers. Posting an advertisement takes only minutes and once your ad is live, calls shall begin pouring in. Most people in a metro area look up car selling websites before buying a car. Almost 1 out of 2 people refer to the reviews, comments, photos and opinions shared online before deciding which car model they should buy. With the advent of devices such as smartphones and tablets, accessing car selling websites from anywhere has gotten very easy. Websites too are working on making the process easier by creating applications that could be downloaded by a frequent visitor or user. Websites have reported that their traffic from mobile devices has gone up to 30 percent of the total traffic arriving at the website, compared to 10 percent in the past two years.

To put up your advertisement online, all you have to do is enter your car’s specifications such as the age of the car, kilometres travelled, fuel type, type of gear box (manual or automatic transmission one) and other details along with a photograph and post it. Adding a photo of your car would be helpful for buyers to assess the condition. Once you post the ad for used car in Hyderabad, it would be posted on the top of the list of cars available. You should not forget to add your name and contact information so that a buyer knows how to contact you.

Once your ad is posted, enquiries would pour in and buyers would be interested in testing your car. You need to keep your car in top order when a buyer comes for inspection to sell it off quickly. Get your car washed thoroughly before a buyer comes to see it. You can also get the car waxed to make it look shiny and almost new. Clean out the interiors of your car by removing unwanted papers from the glove box, food packets and wrappers from under the seat. You can also vacuum clean the car to remove dust and food particles from the seats and the floor mats. Keep an air freshener inside the cabin to make it smell nice. First impressions matter a lot and hence you should invest some time, money and effort in it.

When it comes to the internal components of your car, consider the following- would you be able to recover the cost of repairs from the sale of the car? For example, if a valve is loose or there is some other minor problem, you can get it repaired as it would fetch your car good price. If there is a slight dent or peeling paint, then you should get it repaired. However, if something major has gone wrong, such as the clutch plate, then it’s best you don’t get it repaired as it would unnecessarily raise the price of your car. Instead, you can inform the driver of the flaw in the car and reduce the asking price for it.

Every buyer wants to test drive a car before buying it because they want to assess the condition of the car. As a sincere seller, you must allow a buyer to test drive your car. Accompany the buyer on the test drive so that you can answer his or her queries regarding your car. You should also keep the papers of your car (road tax, insurance, buyers receipt, blue book etc.) close by for inspection. Buyers would be particularly interested in the maintenance record of the car to ascertain the condition of the engine therefore you should keep it prepared as well.

A lot of people have opted to sell their cars online and they have made good deals out of them. You could try it too instead of approaching a dealer.


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