Used Cars – Monsoon Tips 2

Tips and tricks for used cars owners to make driving easy and enjoyable throughout the monsoons.

The rain has already commenced to pour down upon the majority of the nation and brings along the much needed respite in the extended summer this year. However, it brings with it, a host of issues for the vehicles. Water, humidity and moisture spell disaster for metal and electronics.Used Car - Monsoon Tips

Following are the easy-to-follow ideas that may support make your monsoon motoring enjoyable.

If there you had a scheduled service just before or at the beginning of the monsoon, it will likely guarantee your vehicle is within the very best shape to tackle the rains. Aside from the routine service, an anti-rust spray on all metal components exposed to rain water will keep rusting at bay. Make sure all of the drain plugs are closed and leaves are cleaned out of any water channels. A missing drain plug will let in muddy water in the roads that can spoil your car’s carpets as well as give rise to a stench that could be tough to eliminate later. The rains also can disrupt your car’s electrical systems. Possess the workshop double-check all critical connections for example the wiring for the battery as well as the alternator for appropriate insulation.

V.IMP: Should you get locked in on account of electrical failures, it is possible to make use of the car’s headrest to break open the windows in an emergency.

Body care

Rain water is mildly acidic it could affect car’s paint right after prolonged exposure. Use a good quality wax polish on your used car body. The wax polish forms a thin protective layer on the paint that causes the water to slip off. Any tiny scratches within the paintwork ought to be touched upon to avoid the exposed metal from rusting. An underbody anti-rust therapy can also be suggested if you have purchased a two to 3 years old used car. It typically priced about Rs 3,000 and has outstanding long-term positive aspects.


The single most important element in maintaining you secure driving in the rains will be the tyres. Tyres with less than 2mm of tread are extremely prone to aquaplaning. Aquaplaning is actually a phenomenon that happens when the tyre can’t squeeze out the water in between the road and itself, and therefore glides on a thin layer of water like a surfboard. This lack of get in touch with amongst the road surface and the tyres could trigger difficulties in handling the vehicle, resulting in a severe accident. To maximise grip of tyres keep the manufacturer-recommended tyre pressure, this guarantees the maximum the contact between your tyres along with the road. Don’t overlook the spare tyre and be sure your wheels are effectively aligned to prevent any dynamic imbalance. Speeding is among the major elements that induce aquaplaning and its advisable to drive 30% slower than usual on wet roads. Possessing electronics including ABS works well.

Windscreen wipers

An alarming variety of drivers have their windscreen wipers in poor shape. Rubber hardens with time, which drastically reduces the wiper’s effectiveness. A poor wiper will leave permanent scratches in your costly windscreen along with bad visibility. It costs just a few hundred rupees to get new wipers.

Bad odours

For the duration of the monsoons, the air-conditioner is used more than just to cool the cabin. The dry air is quite beneficial in stopping your windscreen and windows from misting up, that is a significant hazard for drivability of a car. The accumulated moisture could also account for fungal development inside the air-conditioning, which in turn can emit a bad odour. Spraying a household disinfectant into these vents will decrease bad odours trapped within the air conditioner. Remember to keep your windows rolled down for about an hour and let the disinfectant escape ahead of you start off driving once again. Wet seats and floor may also bring about bad smell in the monsoon season. Also, a brand new set of washable carpets and mats if you are ready to shell out more money after buying a used car with restricted budget.

Driving in the rains

Taking into consideration you now possess a healthier car, keep in mind, it’s ultimately you who’s is in charge of the car. Monsoons bring with them their fair share of challenges when driving. In case you discover oneself within a flooded region, venture out only when the water is half a foot decrease than the air inlet to prevent the water from getting into the engine. In case you suspect water has entered the engine, quickly switch off the vehicle to prevent any additional harm. Drive Safely. Water around the wing mirrors limits visibility. Carry a clean soft cloth to wipe them when needed. Visibility and traction are your biggest challenges during the monsoons.

Wish you a happy monsoon driving!


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