How To Take Proper Care Of The Leather Seats In Your Car 1

Leather seats are one of the foremost things that get noticed in any car. They add some much needed sheen and desirability to any car interior and lift the overall ambience of the car cabin to a big extent. Leather is a huge value addition to your car and necessitates special care and protection to keep it looking and feeling good as always. Contrary to most perceptions, leather is a delicate material and needs regular care on your part. You should be cleaning your car interiors thoroughly every week and while you are at it, pay special attention to washing and cleaning your leather seats as well. Always go for products that are time tested in this regard. Always try new products thoroughly and see the results before proceeding.

You can find multiple leather cleaners and other accessories at dealerships, stores, online portals and other outlets. Bear in mind that leather seats are very expensive options and you have to protect your investment in the same. You should think of using a potent sun block to protect your leather seats from harmful sunlight and ultraviolet rays. The seats are directly exposed to sunlight for long durations through the windows. You can also have a sun clock incorporated onto the car windshield which will block excessive sunlight from entering the car. You should also bring down your windows a little bit to keep car temperatures normal on hot summer days. Car temperatures can jump up to higher levels than the actual temperature outside. This can cause drying and cracking of the car seats in future.

Keeping your car window rolled down a little, you can actually contribute towards increasing the life span of your leather seats. Always keep sharp objects at arm’s length from your seats. These include credit cards, car keys and other pens and accessories. Soft leather seats can be easily scratched and damaged. Once this happens, you will have a tough time repairing the same. Always get hold of a professional in case there is any scratching or torn areas. You should try to avoid such damages more than ever and clean your seats a minimum of two or three times each year. You should also apply specially crafted leather moisturizers once a month if possible. This is necessary to keep your leather seats in mint condition! Due to the organic nature of leather, you should be extra careful when it comes to cleaning the interiors and the seats.

Chemicals and scrubs of a harsh nature can end up doing more damage than you would normally expect. You should always make use of a cotton cloth which is soft and wipe your seats with care. Do not go for paper towels by all means as the wood component in paper will ensure fine scratching that is not visible to the naked eye. There are specific soaps available in the market for washing leather seats and you should do some research on the same as well. Once you purchase a leather cleaner for your car seats, you should always ensure that it is gentle and does not damage the material. You should go for a pre-test which basically means using the cleaner on a very small portion of your seats and witnessing the results. This will help you ascertain the safety and effectiveness of a particular cleaner.

Always choose an area that is small and never noticed like the undersides of the seats, seat sides beside the car doors or underneath a headrest. Always use a damp cloth to wipe this area and dry your seats with a clean towel. Alongside, make use of the leather cleaner on this small leather surface and use a cloth towel or a sponge to apply the same. Leave this for a few minutes and then use a dry cloth for removal of the same. Wait for a day or twenty four hours and then check the spot for signs of any bleaching, sports, cracking or leather discoloration among other wear and tear. If there are no signs of damage and the area appears clean, tidy and glittering, you should make use of that particular leather cleaner without any hesitation. You can go for more extensive tests if you are not satisfied with just a small test.

You should start cleaning your leather seats with precision and care. Always vacuum the car interiors and the floor and then use a damp cotton towel to wipe the leather seat surfaces. This will enable the prompt removal of dirt and grime. Alongside, you should use a clean towel to apply the leather cleaner on the car seats. Allow the cleaner to work its magic for at least ten minutes before wiping it off once again. This can be a long and tiresome process if the application of leather moisturizer is also involved. Make sure you have proper tools and time at hand. A little time and effort is all you need to keep your leather seats clean and spotless!

You should ideally use the sunscreen and moisturizer after you have finished cleaning the seats. The moisturizer should be used in small amounts via a small towel made of cotton. Rub in a circular motion and make sure that you clean off any additional residue. Your seats should look glossy and soft after the application of leather moisturizer. Alongside, let the moisturizer settle down for some hours at least and then make use of a protectant which should be sprayed gently onto the leather seats. Use a clean towel to rub this onto the car seats and allow it to dry out for a few more hours at least.

You should invest additional time, energy and effort into cleaning and maintaining your leather seats. Leather seats require a lot of care and are an expensive investment in the first place. However, they do add immensely to the overall appearance of any car. They spice up the interiors with a feeling of premium luxury and sophistication. Ensure that you follow a proper leather care regimen for your seats and interiors.


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