How To Choose A Flat For Yourself?

It is very important to stay in a good accommodation as it would prove to be conducive to your health. Staying in an apartment which is damp and has very little sunlight coming in can cause a lot of diseases. Not only your physical health, but also your mental health shall be affected in such a set up. A dark and damp flat can often lead to depression and loneliness. Therefore, you should choose residential apartments for yourself keeping some parameters in mind.

  • Proximity to your workplace- There is no point in staying in an apartment that is miles away from your work place and you need to spend half the day travelling. Look for an apartment near your workplace so that you can travel easily and comfortably. Most neighbourhoods nowadays have good schools, banks, post-offices and playgrounds and hence offer a nice ambience for a family to live in.
  • Connection to the rest of the city- Families that don’t own a means of transport need to live in areas that are well connected to public transport. Buses, trains, metro railways and auto rickshaws should be easily available from an area to commute to other places.
    Residential Apartments

    Residential Apartments

    Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of money travelling.

  • Open spaces and greenery- It is desirable to live in an area full of trees as one can benefit from the fresh air in circulation. Open spaces are also quite important as they provide space for children to play in and adults to exercise.
  • An apartment with lots of sunshine is preferable as it keeps moisture away. Sunlight eliminates the need to put on artificial lighting and saves on electricity bills. It also does away with the cold feeling that one gets in a room. South facing apartments are usually desirable for this reason. It allows the entry of plenty of sunshine and fresh air.
  • Numbers of Rooms- Most families are nuclear nowadays which is why the demand for large apartments is not much. However, for a family of 4 it is quite essential to go for 3BHK, otherwise there would be too much of space crunch. Also, at least 2 bathrooms should be there in an apartment so that there is no time or space crunch for it.
  • Vaastu compliance- Even though most people do not go by it, Vaastu compliance can bring a lot of prosperity to a household. Some of the Vaastu tenets have scientific explanations and can be quite good for the overall well-being of the family.

Residential apartments are coming up in various areas such as Koregaon Park, Kalyani Nagar and Magarpatta City. These apartments are being developed in the community styles so that residents do not have to move out to fulfil any of their needs.

You can now find a broker who can get you a 3BHK in one of these upcoming areas by logging on to online classifieds. Most brokers list their contact information on these websites.


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