How To Avoid Making A Bad Used Car Investment

Used cars can turn into bad investments if you are not careful during the buying period. This can prove highly troublesome for you in the future. Used cars, if faulty or damaged, could cost you a small fortune in repairs. Frequent breakdowns and garage visits would not only hinder your overall experience with the car but also drain your pocket substantially. Do you wish to avoid such a situation? You need to keep a few things in mind while you buy your used car. These tips and tricks will help you avoid making a poor used car investment.

Always do some research on the used car market trends in your locality or area. Get hold of local mechanics, servicemen and dealers who can give you an idea of the prevailing car prices in your city. When thinking of buying a used car, you have to zero in on the car model that you want. Otherwise, you will be subjected to a barrage of salesmanship that propels you towards considering other equally nice brands. This is nothing but push-selling of particular brands by salesmen. You should be absolutely clear about the used car model you desire and the approximate prices for the same in the used car market.

For finding out more about the prices, you should consult your local used car dealership for inputs. Keep in mind that dealership prices include a profit percentage of the dealer. Alongside, you can also check out online car classifieds for more information. This will help you get an idea of approximate prices for your desired used car model in Mumbai or any other city in India. You can use these online classifieds portals to contact used car sellers directly and purchase your desired car in quick time. The whole process is simple and time saving; all you need to do is browse through advertisements and contact used car sellers with the help of personal contact details or by replying to these advertisements. These portals help you purchase your used car directly from the buyer. You do not have to pay an inflated price that covers the profit percentage of the dealer.

While buying your second hand car from a private seller, be sure to negotiate your prices thoroughly. Always set a bottom line figure that is way below the original price quoted by the seller. If the seller is willing to negotiate, he/she will always quote something above your bottom line figure. However, this will always be less than the original quoted price and you will save some money as a result. Always ask for an inspection and test drive before finalizing the purchase. If there are any objections of the seller in this regard, back out of the entire deal immediately. Ask for all relevant car papers including registration, taxes and insurance papers. Make sure that there are no unpaid dues on the vehicle before you take your decision. Use these tips and buy your used car without hassles.


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