How To Buy A New Mobile Phone

Cell phones have nowadays replaced the need to go to a cyber café for using the internet, owning a Walkman or MP3 player and even a map. Smartphones being the order of the day, have got the in-built features of offering a user the facility of using the internet, listening to songs and the radio and even navigate your way through the city with GPS.

If you are new to the world of cell phones, then you need to understand certain aspects about a cell phone before taking the plunge of buying an expensive one. Some of the parameters that you should have in mind have been discussed below:

Calling facility– Cell phones were primarily used to make phone calls and we are yet to do away with that feature of the phone. Before buying a cell phone, you need to make sure that you can make calls without facing a drop or disconnection. Plug in a SIM card and try calling your friends to see the quality of the call. If there is a whirring noise while you are talking or sudden disconnection of the line, then it is advisable to avoid that phone. You can also ask your friend whether the call you made had any distortion or not.

Durability– The screens of smart phones are usually less durable than those of feature phones (phones that do not have too many features other than calling and texting) because they are made of thin glass to make them sensitive to touches.

There are many kinds of phones available in the market- QWERTY, Touch Screen etc. With these kinds of phones, you need to be a bit careful as they cannot handle rogue use. Nevertheless, they are more durable than what we expect them to be!

Interface of the phoneSmart phones usually run on operating systems like Android, iOS and Windows. These three interfaces work on applications and their functioning is similar. You need to read up the features of each operating system before setting out to buy your mobile phone.


Display and Screen Resolution– The display unit of a cell phone is quite important. If you are going to use your cell phone for editing documents, watching movies or reading books and articles, then it would be better to go for a phone with high screen resolution and a large display unit.

If the screen size is not at least 4 inches, then it would be difficult to use your cell phone for the abovementioned purposes.

Camera– All smart phones come with cameras nowadays. If you want to use your cell phone as a camera as well, then you should not settle for a camera less than 8MP. Make sure your phone has an LED flash and the ability to record HD videos in 720p and/or 1080p resolution.

The secondary or front camera is usually not very important. But if you want to use your phone for video conferencing, then it would be a good idea to go for a phone with a high quality front camera.

If you want to buy new or used cell phones, then you can follow the pointers and look up online classifieds. Make sure you research adequately into a brand of phones before taking a leap.


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