How To Buy A New Car Checklist

Buying a new car can be very exciting for any individual or family. It is indeed very exciting to choose your preferred car model and get ready to bring it home as early as possible. However, you should always have your own checklist while buying a new car. This is imperative to avoid some common disappointments and headaches that sometimes crop up for new car owners. Many people will still opt for a secondhand car or a cheap used car but nothing quite matches the look and feel of a brand new vehicle. Stick to your decision and do not be swayed by such contrary opinions at the last minute.

Always prepare yourself thoroughly with regard to your final purchase. Have a color list in descending order of acceptance. Also list the special add-ons and features that you cannot do without at any cost and those that can be compromised. Always make sure that the vehicle you purchase is available on the lot of the dealer or car company outlet that you are going to. Call and confirm before setting out. Always have your documentation in place including your driver’s license, bank papers and insurance papers. Do not be deceived or taken in away by the sweet talk of salesmen.

Negotiate for your preferred features and other needs as firmly as possible. Do not ever provide your driver’s license. Only use a photocopy of the same. If you are going for a test drive, insist on the identical car model or one that is at least close to the model you are going to purchase. Always ask the salesman or dealer to arrange for a comprehensive demo which covers all the special features, car controls, sound system, air conditioning and all other functions. Make sure the spare tire is accessible and ensure that you can work the jack. Find out where the dipstick for oil is present and the entry point for fuelling up the car. Sit in every possible area and position of the car to gauge your comfort levels.

You should be absolutely sure that you are comfortable behind the wheel. Can the car be easily maneuvered? Do the gears change properly? Can you work the clutch properly? These are intrinsic driving questions that need to be worked out before you take the car off for the first time. Always test drive the car on busy city roads or highways as this will help you ascertain things better. Check for any noise in the passenger compartment. Look out for the quality of the suspension when you come across bumps. Check road visibility from behind the wheel. Check how the brakes respond to your touch.

Once all this is done, you can finalize your new car purchase without any hassles. You can find some great car deals online. You will find car deals near you or any other city you choose. You can even find cars in your desired location, neighborhood or area with online classifieds.


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