How To Check A Car History

Buying used cars is not always a tough decision provided you take some positive steps in the process. What are these steps? You should have a solid verification and inspection plan in place to ensure that you are not taken for a ride. You should verify whether your used car purchase is a good investment. This is valid for used cars bought from websites, private sellers or dealerships. The first step to take in this regard is to check the history of the car. This may appear to be a confusing process to many prospective car owners who are not very familiar with vehicles and their intricacies. However, you can check car history seamlessly with the following tips.

Tips on checking car history while buying a used car

Apart from quality concerns, a car history investigation can actually save you from the hassles of purchasing an illegal vehicle. You should check the car with the help of your motor vehicles department authority and the government agency for car registration. This is not a costly process and does not require you to spend a huge amount of cash. You should be able to find out the following information while checking the car history through the vehicle registration and licensing authority:

  • The registration details including the date
  • The year when the car was manufactured
  • The color of the car
  • The taxes paid for the car and other similar octroi charges
  • The capacity of the car engine
  • The date of expiry of taxes

If everything matches to perfection, you can be assured that you are making a legitimate purchase. However, if database details are not similar to the registration number or certificate of the car you are about to purchase, you should refrain from investing and alert the authorities immediately. Checking the car history will also help you immensely with regard to confirming the tax expiry date and the future costs in terms of taxes that you have to pay. You only need the make, model and registration number of the car to check its history on the official database.

Additional tips on checking car history

If you are willing to purchase a secondhand car, you should also conduct your own private check with regard to the operational history of the car. Sounds confusing? You should take steps to check whether the car suffered major accidents or whether there are pending finance dues on it. You should also find out about any reports of it being stolen and check whether the official database mileage figure matches the actual data garnered from using the car.

Buying used cars online

You can buy your used car with the help of online automobile classifieds. These portals will help you find quality used cars in your preferred city in India. Find cars near you or any other city you desire with the help of these classifieds sites. It is always important to conduct a thorough history check before buying any used car. This will save you from future hassles.



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