It’s Time To Replace Your Car Tyres (3 Warning Indicators)

Although a worn out tire is not necessarily a sign of bad driving, it’s certainly a sign that your tyres need to be changed at the earliest. Unless, of course, you’re a fan of getting stuck in the middle of nowhere at odd hours.

Even in the city, finding a mechanic isn’t always an easy task. Having invested a hefty sum on your ride, you should definitely know more about the basics of the tyres it runs on.


That’s what we’re here to help you with. Once you’re done reading this, you’ll know exactly when your tyres need to be changed.

1. Decreasing Tread Depth


Everything loses its lustre over time. You wouldn’t wear the same pair of shoes forever, would you?

It’s the same with tyres as well.

After years of use, every tyre is bound to lose its tread patterns. Probably because you drove over one too many potholes. This can’t be helped.

But, when the depth of the tread reduces, you’ll usually experience a lack of grip and traction while driving. And this is a very, very bad thing. It can heavily compromise your safety on the road if  the tyre isn’t promptly changed.

So, always check the recommended tread depth limit like your life depends on it, because it does.

2. Cracks On The Sidewall

When to change Car Tyres

When a tyre has almost reached its demise, you might see some heavy crack patterns on its sidewalls. If and when you notice these cracks – it’s time to change your tyres.

They occur mainly due to the tyre’s overexposure to UV rays, as the rubber loses its elasticity.

Start looking for a new set of compatible tyres once you begin to see the cracks. If you put it off, it’s likely that the tyres will fail when you least expect it, leaving you stranded or worse.

3. Visible Blisters And Slits

You’ve probably had blisters a couple times in your life, and we’re guessing that it wasn’t a very fun experience.


Well, guess what? Tyres can blister as well, and it isn’t a fun experience for them either.

Typically, blisters and slits appear on a tyre when the outer layers lose their firmness. They often look just like blisters that occur on your skin. Once you begin to see slits and blisters, you definitely need to change your tyres before getting on the road again.

If you see any of the above warning signs, change your tyres as soon as possible. If you have tyres that are around 5 years old, keep checking them for signs of wear and tear to make sure that you don’t hit the road with damaged tyres.

So long as you treat your tyres well, they’ll treat you well too.


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