4 Problems You Can Relate To If You Live Alone

“20 odd years of living with my family is long enough!”, you think to yourself. So you decide that it’s time to move out and live on your own.

And with a winning smile, you tell yourself ‐ This is going to be awesome!

Your new apartment is cosy. There’s no one to tell you to wear pants while watching TV in the living room.

Living alone is a one‐of‐a‐kind experience. But, of course, it comes with a ton of new responsibilities. Here are a few things that you’ll definitely relate to if you live by yourself.

1. Hell’s Kitchen

Eating out might seem straightforward at first, but you’ll quickly get sick of the endless parade of greasy outside food.

It’s time to cook then, isn’t it?
Ah! If only it were that simple…

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Maa ke haath ka khaana has never seemed more appealing.

2. The Great Garbage Patch

If you’re not used to keeping a space clean, you’ve probably built up an impressive pile of junk.

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Pizza boxes, random plastic covers, and t-shirts that you didn’t know you owned pile up till they look like a respectable-sized fort inside your home.

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You’ve also skipped a couple of showers. But at some point, you’ve got to get it together. Especially if your parents are visiting soon.

3. There’s Not Enough Bug Spray In The World

If you’re the kind of person who can’t stand insects, you’re in for a tough time because these infuriating critters are everywhere.

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Except now, there’s no one that you can call who’ll come and squish them for you.

Let the shoe throwing begin!

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4. Pssh… Laundry

‘Ah, at last!’, you think, ‘something easy!’.
A bit too early to call it easy, don’t you think?


You miss the time when you could toss your clothes into a basket and they’d magically reappear in your cupboard, clean and well-pressed.

While you’ve got a ton of new responsibilities to deal with when you live alone, the perks definitely make up for them.

To iron out the kinks and make your life even better, try out QuikrServices. We’ll help you hire someone to cook you delicious meals and keep your house clean, call pest control over to nuke the nasty bugs, and make dirty laundry a thing of the past.

You don’t have to live in fear of the day when your parents pay you a surprise visit. Enjoy that independent life!

P.S: Christmas might be a difficult time if your name is Kevin!

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